
Affichage des articles du 2011

UTMB 2011 - Being able to tell yourself: I've completed my (5 year) dream...

(If the text is too small, press ctrl and +) 5 years. 1827 days. Exactly 1827 days ago I was discovering the UTMB, The North Face Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc on Chamonix's main square, on a Friday night. On that day I decided I would do that race and ever since, I have never stopped dreaming of it, training for it and imagining this moment when I would cross the line... A few days ago (already!), 1827 days i.e. 5 years and 1 day later, I did it. How do you tell your biggest dream, what you want the most in the world? How can you put words on what has been waited for for 5 years? Moreover, how to use words that will not betray what has proved to be even bigger than what was hoped? To tell a story, it is also accepting that it is over, and despite 5 years thinking about it every day, you just don't want it to be over, you would like a bit more, still a few extra hours to go... Given I am missing Sweden so much, maybe it is the Stockholm's syndrom... Lastly, as my older sis...

UTMB videos

Tout d'abord, un article interessant (in English). First, an interesting article: Ensuite, les videos: La video 2011: La video officielle: Et toujours, ma video motivation: "CE QUE NOUS ACCOMPLISSONS A L'INTERIEUR MODIFIE LA REALITE EXTERIEURE" (Otto Rank) "WHAT WE ACCOMPLISH INSIDE SHAPES THE OUTER REALITY" (Otto Rank)

UTMB 2011 - Pouvoir se dire: j'ai realise mon reve... (de 5 ans)

5 ans. 1827 jours. Il y a exactement 1827 jours, je decouvrais l'UTMB, The North Face Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc sur la place de Chamonix, un vendredi soir. En ce jour je decidais de faire cette course et depuis, je n'ai cesse d'en rever, de m'entrainer pour et imaginer ce moment ou je passerais la ligne... Et il y a quelque jours (deja), 1827 jours soit 5 ans et 1 jour plus tard, je l'ai fait. Comment raconter son plus important reve, ce que l'on veut le plus au monde? Comment exprimer ce que l'on a attendu pendant 5 ans? Qui plus est, comment mettre des mots et ne pas trahir ce qui s'est avere etre encore plus grand que ce que j'avais pu esperer?  Raconter, c'est aussi accepter que ce soit fini, car malgre cinq annees d'attente a y penser chaque jour, on ne veut pas que ce soit fini, on voudrait encore quelques petites heures de plus. Avec la Suede qui me manque tant, c'est le syndrome de Stockholm peut-etre... Enfin, comme le no...