Grand Raid des Pyrenees 2013: The mighty joy and incommunicable sense of accomplishement...
There's no wrong in pushing yourself if it's for a goal reach, an accomplishment quest. The greater the joy, the greater the absolution. "Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself." -Elie Wiesel In 2012, despite a severe ankle sprain upon meeting a teddy bear in the woods in Vancouver, I still decided to go ahead and do the Grand Raid des Pyrenees. I had my flight, my crew coming and I knew my mountains would carry me. They did, and I finished a happy camper. But frustrated with my time. So I registered again in 2013: 160kms and 10000m ascent. And sprained my ankle during my preparation, again... But, again, I had my flights and more crew coming to see me, including two of my beloved cousins who've supported me since my very first race and had always wanted to come and see me, and share our love for the sport together. So here is a picture recap of yet another amazing time I had running in my mountains, whe...